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Uploading a Profile Picture

  1. Log in to Moodle
  2. Click on your User Name found on the top right of the screen. Select Edit profile from this menu.
  3. Scroll down and click User picture to expand that section
  4. Next to New picture click on the add a file button
  5. Click Upload a file
  6. Select browse, choose your picture, and click Open
    Max file upload size is 32MB
    JPG & PNG files work best
  7. Click Upload this file
  8. Scroll down and click Update profile

*It can take up to 24 hours for your profile picture to update in Moodle.

My profile picture is sideways!

Sometimes photos taken with cell phones will upload to Moodle sideways, although they appear in the correct orientation on your phone and computer. 

You can easily fix this issue by opening your photo in your computer's default photo editing software, renaming and saving a copy of the picture.

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