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Common Password Error Messages

PWM 5021 - Your user account is not eligible for activation

What it means - Your account is already active.

Solution - Try using the Forgot Password function instead.
If you are unable to answer your security questions, email for a password reset.

Unable to find username. Please try again.

What it means - This error could mean 1 of 2 things:
1. Your account has not yet been fully added to the system.

2. You are entering in information that does not match what has been inputted for you in Banner.

Solution -
For employees: contact HR and confirm you have been fully processed in Banner. You may also want to confirm the correct spelling of your name and date of birth in Banner.

For students: contact Admissions and confirm your application has been fully processed and accepted. You may also want to confirm the correct spelling of your name and date of birth in Banner.

This username is not valid or is
not eligible to use this feature

What it means - You have not setup the security questions for your account. 

Solution - Email for a password reset

Authentication failed! Try again.

What it means - Your password is incorrect

Solution - Try using the Forgot Password function
If you receive this error message after successfully completing a password reset, you may need to clear your browser cache.
