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ERP Business Case


UL Lafayette is currently in the pre-planning and selection phase of a new ERP system.  The primary motivations for this process result from many factors including:

  • The current system(s) do NOT work together in “real-time” and are distributed across multiple platforms and operating systems.  This topology creates workflow bottlenecks and inefficiencies in serving students, faculty, staff and other University constituencies;
  • The primary student, finance, and human resource modules were originally written and implemented in 1989 and are NOT web-enabled and do NOT provide adequate “self-service” capacity and capability expected by todays “tech-savvy” students, faculty and staff;
  • Modern workflow capabilities are NOT available due to the age, disparate technology platforms/applications, and operational inefficiencies of the existing administrative information systems;
  • Data access, use, and sharing by functional departments and units is a very difficult and laborious process resulting in redundant data entry and ineffective functional processes;
  • Source code maintainability has become increasingly more difficult and expensive each year as changes, patches, and updated functionality are incorporated into the existing system(s) and operational complexity increase