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PaperCut FAQs

What happens to my balance at the end of the semester?

Your credit balance displayed in the PaperCut window is actually a combination of two accounts:

  • Initial semester credit (provided by the University) - this $25 in print quota has no cash value; reset to $25 at the beginning of each semester
  • Supplemental credit (added by you) - this balance comes from CajunCash you add into your account for additional print quota; supplemental credit carries forward every semester and is nonrefundable.

Does printing front and back (duplex) count as one page?

Yes. A page is considered a sheet of paper whether you print on one side or both. Printing duplex is strongly encouraged.

  • How do I print front and back (duplex)?
  1. Select File
  2. Select Print
  3. Choose “print on both sides” or “print duplex.” The wording may vary depending on the program that you are using.
  • How do I print multiple PowerPoint slides on one sheet?
  1. Click File
  2. Click Print
  3. Under “Slides,” click on the drop down arrow and choose one of the “handout” layouts. We suggest selecting “6 Slides Horizontal”