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Problematic Devices

Many networked devices are designed for home use, as opposed to a managed network such as GeauxWiFi. As a result, these devices will either simply will not work with the Campus network, or will cause interference with GeauxWiFi. 

Known problematic devices:

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A New Way to WiFi is Here (Almost)!

Tue, 07/29/2014 - 1:42pm -- David Savoie

The new UL-WiFi is in the testing phase in the Dupre Library and in the IT Help Desk in Stephens Hall.  If you are on the 3rd floor of the library, you will notice a new WiFi SSID (that's a fancy term for wireless  access to the internet) called "UL-WiFi".  This is the new wireless network.  

As the testing phase continues it will be implemented into the 1st and 2nd floors of the library.  If everything goes well, the new system will replace the current UWIN and RESnet wireless networks throughout the entire campus by Spring of 2015.

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Using a Switch in Residence Halls

Wireless routers are NOT allowed in residence halls.

The use of mobile hotspots is also strongly discouraged

The ability to share your cellular data plan with your laptop or other devices can possibly work great for you, but will cause immediate interference for other residents. It is also important to remember that others around you may connect to your cell phone and use your data bandwidth, which may end up costing you overage fees.

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GeauxGuest Wireless Network

1. Using your wireless device, find and connect to the GeauxGuest SSID.
2. If a browser window does not open immediately to take you to Device Registration, open a browser window and type in the address bar.  You should then be redirected to the Device Registration page.
3. Enter your name, phone number, mobile carrier, and email address into the boxes provided.  These will be used to send a single-use code to you to complete your registration.  Please read the Terms of Use, and accept by marking the checkbox.

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